Our Mission
Provide a complete publishing service for the medical student, clinician and professional.
Blue Tree Publishing's products are designed with the clinician, patient and student in mind. Our mission is to provide clear, easy-to-use educational programs constructed with simple and relevant animations to describe the structures, functions and disorders of various anatomical systems. Whether you are teaching a single patient or lecturing at a large conference, Blue Tree's software will make your job easier and your patient, student or audience feel comfortable. Our interactive software allows the user to be in control with easy-to-find screens with clear bright animations. The ability to rapidly shift around in the software permits a dynamic and interactive approach to instruction. We provide software, active media, printed media, models and crystal art to further enhance the teaching and learning experience.
Current Focus
Our current focus is on ear, nose, speech language, throat, muscle, bones and neurology. We design, produce and publish software, printed media, models and crystal art needed by doctors, clinicians, therapists and teachers for successful education, diagnosis and treatment.